Contact us for Investigative services using Neuro Signature System or Lie Detection.
Using Neuro Signature System we can help your agency unravel the most complex cases.
Neuro Signature System is used regularly by Law Enforcement agencies especially in cases of insurgency.
If you are an Indian Law enforcement agency and require such services, please contact the Directorate of Forensic Sciences, Gujarat, Gandhinagar.
The average case takes 5 days to work on including interviews with the Investigative Officers, framing the Probes and investigation direction.
It takes 1 to 2 days on an average to test each subject. This includes the time to formulate the individual Probes for the given subject.
Final Report Generation takes 2 days.
All case related information is kept confidential and will only be discussed with persons we are authorized to do so.
Case information will not be retained after the investigation, and reports to your agency will be provided as hard copies.
To avail our services outside India please note we will need customs clearances in your country to bring in our equipment.
All equipment will fit in regular Airline baggage, and no special freight is required.
Your agency will have to ensure our team is provided the required clearances to work on the cases.
Adequate Security should be provided to our team.
If required your agency may need to assist in expediting our Visa applications with your respective embassies
All local transport is to be provided by your agency ensuring adequate security.
Standard International Business class travel is to be provided with Hotels of similar calibre
We need 2 weeks notice before we can accept an assignment
It the sole discretion of Axxonet to accept an assignment.
Will be discussed per case
All payments will be required to be cleared in advance.